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Mediatomb and UPnP

Puppy linux and Mediatomb Media Server for DLNA and UPnP

The following is for Mediatomb Version 12
I usually create .pets for easy removal if unwanted

autoconf > 2.6 is required

make install DESTDIR=/root/test/autoconf-2.65

Download Mediatomb:
svn co http://svn.mediatomb.cc/svnroot/mediatomb/trunk/mediatomb mediatomb

cd to mediatomb directory and:
autoreconf -i
make install DESTDIR=/root/test/mediatomb

Install mediatomb.pet
make sure /root/.mediatomb/config.xml points to /usr/local/share/mediashare not /usr/share/mediatomb

in console:

it should tell you which port it's running on.

access with localhost:[port]/ in your browser

For great trancoding tips, see: http://mediatomb.cc/dokuwiki/transcoding:transcoding

mp3's are playing, video is choppy

Author: admin -  Date: 18 Dec 2011 04:39
Category: mediatomb -  Visits: 5733

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